When Freak Flags Fly

As we learned in my last post, to the ranks of the Bronies and adult babies we can now add the subservient husbands.  As Matt Labash writes in the Brony link:

In the near future, historians will struggle to locate the precise moment when civilization’s wheels finally, irretrievably came off. By then, there will have been too many such moments to pinpoint one with any certainty. But I’ll mark the day as having occurred on a recent August weekend when, standing in the concourse of the Baltimore Convention Center, I watch grown men with problem skin and five o’clock shadows prance around in pony ears, rainbow manes, and braided tails lashed to their belt-loops, doling out “free hugs,” starting “fun! fun! fun!” chants, and spontaneously breaking into song. “Give me a bro hoof,” says one, trying to knuckle-bump me. It’s what you might imagine heaven to be like, if your idea of heaven is hell.

Yet such a “precise moment” of decline could also be easily attributed to either of the aforementioned groups.  I can imagine feeling similar horror watching a grown man shake a rattle as a woman wipes away his drool.  Merely being able to readily access the Male Chastity Manifesto from the ostensible security of my living room fills me with a grim sense of foreboding.

But what disturbs me more than the existence of this stuff is the utter lack of shame connected with it.  There may have been a man in 1951 who wanted nothing more than to suck on a pacifier and get his diapers changed, but chances are he would never have acted on it.  If he acted on it, he sure as hell would never consent to allowing anyone to even take a picture of him with a pacifier and Winnie the Pooh, much less consent to having it shown to the entire world.

Today, we’re relativists.  We only call it abnormal if it’s something at least 9o% of Americans did seventy years ago.  Only those who attempt to shame others deserve any shame themselves.

There’s also the internet.  Imagine a “man” in 1989 who finds himself enamored of the My Little Pony television show of the time.  He’d feel weird about it, maybe watch it every once in a while, but he’d definitely keep it to himself.  If he found himself overwhelmed with insatiable MLP cravings and just had to go to Blockbuster to rent every episode in existence, he’d desperately hope that he doesn’t blurt out something stupid when the checkout girl asks, “So how old’s your daughter?”

Now, that same guy posts anonymously on some forum on the internet.  He puts out his freakdar and recommends the show to some other weirdo.  That weirdo checks out the show himself and writes back that he thinks MLP is awesome, too.  They coax some other dude into checking it out, and if that guy (who obviously has no friends because he’s willing to sit through My Little Pony) really wants to belong, he’s inclined to like it himself, even if a part of himself finds it disturbing.

Before you know it, dozens, then hundreds of males reinforce those parts of each other they really ought to quash and form a movement.  They no longer feel shame about their “unique” taste, for “one is never truly alone among the Bronyhood, discovering the magic of friendship with bros whose fondest wish is to show off their pony plushy toys, picking their favorite according to which pony’s personality most matches their own.”

United in their inability to grow up, finding community in that which should deprive them of it.  According to The Weekly Standard my account of the beginnings of Bronyhood doesn’t fit literal history, but the principle is the same.  You’re a freak, and it’s easier than ever to find freaks just like you.  You therefore develop a sense of community with others around the world based on your freakiness.  Instead of either hiding your freakiness (or maybe even growing out of it), it determines who your friends are.  They encourage it in you, help it grow, and make it even harder for you to ever let it go.  Sure, you’ll get a bit of shame, but you’ll also have plenty of defenders.

Modern men are often as isolated from each other as they are from their own masculinity.  We’re individualistic by nature, but we also seek a tribe, a place to belong.

The internet has enabled the growth of the manosphere, but it’s also helped spread some pretty warped crap.  We can’t shut down the internet, but we desperately need to foster a sense of belonging in men that’s healthy if we want to counteract the subservient husbands, adult babies, and whatever other freakdoms might try to fill that void instead.

The manosphere’s a great start, but it has to be more than just a start.

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30 Responses to When Freak Flags Fly

  1. Pingback: A Brief Internet Guide to Pervy Weirdos | Julian O'Dea

  2. rebar says:

    I have an acquaintance who does this stuff, he is a fat fuck who also befriends strippers in hopes of getting a “woman” ** and sends a ton of money to an ex-girllfriend/stripper out of state every month with the hope she will marry him. He is the ultimate douche lefty who hates all other alphas.

    ** He WAS a bouncer at a stripper bar until a local huckabuck beat his ass . . . . none of the skanks visited him in the hospital.

  3. Thoth Thrice Born says:

    I can understand everyone’s horror at this “Brony” phenomenon, but keep in mind that there are always other angles to observe this.

    Flashback a mere fifty years ago and these wayward young fools would be found working in factories and offices with the mindset of a mature young man whose primary goal is to provide for his stay at home wife and 2.5 children.

    His 2.5 children would have gone on to marry one day and produce children of their own and add to the population. And so the pattern would go.

    But then came several X-factors out of nowhere that few ever saw coming: Artificial Intelligence, advanced automated machines and robots.

    Fast forward to our “modern” times and the overwhelming majority of men today find that there is no real occupation that could ever allow them to marry and produce children. Technology has replaced them, and they do not posses the cognitive ability to adjust and create jobs of their own.

    Toss in divorce rape and rampant unchained hypergamy (funny how my spell check does not recognize the word), and that seals their fate of celibacy.

    And that is the heart of the matter. We are living in a period of mass transformation that is unlike any we have seen before. New technology does destroy jobs, but often create new ones. Not anymore.

    Today, most jobs can be done by a machine. So what do we do with all of these….excessive humans?

    Bone chilling question, it is. But it is one that must be answered. I answer it with a theory I’ve been tossing around for quite some time. I’ve dubbed it The Soft Genocide.

    The Soft Genocide allows emasculated “men” like these Bronies, and many others of their kind to go quietly into the night and never procreate. Let’s repeat that: these men will NEVER have children. They will not pass their genetic material to the next generation.

    The population will shrink, and I believe that has been the plan all along. I’m not claiming that this is the ultimate answer as to what afflicts not just the nation, but the planet. But Red Pill/Manosphere types can sense this, which is why we are here in the first place. We are surrounded by betas, and they are a herd rushing to throw themselves off the cliffs of life. And they seem to be doing so with a sense of joy and abandonment, while dressed like colorful clowns.

    • Martel says:

      Insightful stuff. In addition to lacking any sense of faith or community, we lack purpose.

      The biggest danger/hope to your thesis is that they try the Soft Genocide just a little too quickly (and I don’t think this would need to be consciously orchestrated to have the same effect). Already we’ve got millions of lonely and frustrated men AND women, already we aren’t replacing population quickly enough to fund entitlements.

      Will we wake up before it’s too late?

      • Exactly this.

        Of course, don’t forget the millions of women who will NEVER marry and NEVER have kids. Already when I go out I encounter legions of single, attractive, childless women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

        It’s called: Autogenocide.

        Too sad for words, really.

      • dude says:

        Sadly, we will not be able to turn this thing around in any meaningful way. History has clearly demonstrated time and again that corrupt, diseased societies must reach a breaking point before any reform can happen. The American people are simply too comfortable and too distracted to even bother being concerned about what is happening in their society. Pain and fear are the only things that will resonate with this population of people. Sadly, I believe plenty of pain and fear is on the horizon for America.

  4. El Bastardo says:

    “Now, that same guy posts anonymously on some forum on the internet. He puts out his freakdar and recommends the show to some other weirdo. That weirdo checks out the show himself and writes back that he thinks MLP is awesome, too. They coax some other dude into checking it out, and if that guy (who obviously has no friends because he’s willing to sit through My Little Pony) really wants to belong, he’s inclined to like it himself, even if a part of himself finds it disturbing.”

    This sounds like the voice of experience? LOL, I’m so sorry.

  5. This post brings this comic to mind:

  6. MLP gives me MST3K cravings. Shame works, though only really well when it comes from someone who at least appears to have their act together.

  7. These people fucking disgust me.

  8. Fred Flange, Dark Magus says:

    And don’t forget ComicCon!! Much bigger (and more money all around), the uber-geek cosplayers there are if anything even more intense about this stuff.

    • Don’t forget the professional sports fans, which in my estimation probably accounts for at least 75% of American men.

      • Martel says:

        As sad as it may be to dress up like Spider-Man, it’s not as bad as trying to be a pretty pink pony. Even if liking Spider-Man too much as an adult is juvenile, at least Spider-Man himself (as a fictional character, obviously) has something going for him, he represents heroism, great power, etc. Same goes for obsessive sports fans. Sports obsession should just be for kids, but at least sports require masculine virtues.

        Bronies combine the juvenile regression tendencies of other males with the rejection of masculinity itself. They’re not trying to be six year-old boys, they want to be six year-old GIRLS.

        It’s all bad, but the bronies are much, much worse.

  9. Cautiously Pessimistic says:

    “…we desperately need to foster a sense of belonging in men that’s healthy…”

    Pretty much this. Full stop. If it’s socially acceptable, it’s either unmasculine or unhealthy. Or both.

  10. Pingback: The De-evolution of men

  11. The adult babies: tell me, is the diagnosis not obvious?

    Cold, unloving, single mothers raised these men. Sometimes, this sort of childhood trauma leads to misogyny (the actual kind, not whatever the Feminists are yelling about this week): a man who’s terrified of women, but desperate for a woman’s love, who becomes an over-controlling monster to keep her in line.

    Other times it leads to melodram patheticism of the Adult Baby and Brony variety: a man who was never loved as a child, never given the confidence in his own self-worth that was needed to self actualize, and so he attempts to fix his past trauma by re-living the events as an adult.

    We celebrate the damaged people, and thereby promote the damage.

    • Martel says:

      I think you’re right. We talk a lot about the damage caused by feminized fathers, but what about the damage caused by masculine, selfish, harpy mothers? We’re supposed to have at least a brief period of innocence as children, but if you’ve got a ME ME ME mother, you may never get it.

      This combined with our emphasis on “expressing” our feelings instead of getting over them and a societal lack of shame, makes perfect sense.

      Great comment.


  13. The Navy Corpsman says:

    On the whole, You’ve ruined my entire day, Martel, by exposing me to this …. thing.

    1. Given the choice between anal rape with a red hot jackhammer wielded by Charles Manson, vs an equal amount of time with one of these…. things, I’ll take Chucky. Death before dishonor.

    2. I actually had to look up My Little Pony. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

    3. Speaking of don’t ask don’t tell, the Standard article mentions an average age of 21. Reminds me of Bobcat Goldthwait standing on the stage of the Tonight Show, moaning and violently twisting his head to the left, then asking the audience, “You like that? Got me out of the Army.”

    4. I blame drugs.

    The Navy Corpsman

  14. The Navy Corpsman says:

    *you’ve no cap y

    Sorry bro.

    The Navy Corpsman

  15. Honk Lockjaw says:

    “There may have been a man in 1951 who wanted nothing more than to suck on a pacifier and get his diapers changed, but chances are he would never have acted on it.  If he acted on it,”

    There were and they did. It was called Parliament.

    “… he sure as hell would never consent to allowing anyone to even take a picture of him with a pacifier and Winnie the Pooh…”

    And that’s the difference. They kept it private, and if it came out, their careers were over, because that s#!t is f****d up. In public, they acted like very serious grown men.

  16. infowarrior1 says:

    EIther shame works or it just reinforces the MLP phenomenon:

  17. Pingback: Links and Comments #20 | The Society of Phineas

  18. This reminds me of something touched on a few months ago. A discussion of amygdala overload went on briefly here, but it was mostly in the theoretical, trying to establish what it was and what it might be able to do. Examples were pretty specific, and not very easy to extrapolate from. It’d be really handy to have resources, or at least discussion leading such resources, to learn practical techniques, and enough examples to at least be able to interpolate ways to apply them. It’s a phenomenon we should use vigorously and often, for 3 reasons: they cannot defend against it; they cannot reverse it on us; and knowing the kneejerk, brainwashed, or emotion-based arguments are unavailable might lead them to understand that an illogical viewpoint is an untenable one.

  19. Pingback: Solipsistic Motherhood | Alpha Is Assumed

  20. Pingback: Technical Difficulties | Alpha Is Assumed

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